Friday, November 4, 2011

Painting kitchen/family room.

My husband is going out of town for work tomorrow for just under two weeks. While he's gone, my goal is to paint all our kitchen cabinets as well as the now-dining-soon-to-be-family room walls. Additionally, I'd really love to make a dent in organizing and clearing out the massive boxes stacked in our living room filled with wedding presents. I know they'll all fit somewhere, I just need to figure out where...

For the kitchen cabinets, I'm painting them a medium grey, called Dark Ash. For the rest of the walls in the kitchen that carry through to the soon-to-be-family room, I'm painting them a lighter shade of grey, Gray Area. For the main back wall of the family room, it will be a shade of red called Ladybug. We were debating between a red wall or a blue wall because I was afraid a red wall might be too cliche or passe. However, both of us still liked the color combination of red, grey, black, and white. The room right off the kitchen with a fireplace, as our place was originally built, is supposed to be the family room. However, since I moved in 7 years ago, I've been using it as my dining room because it made more sense to me given it's placement with the kitchen. However, to create more living spaces and get the most out of our condo, I'm turning it back to a family room. It'll be a great change. Here's what it looks like right now. I'll post pictures of it after I paint the walls. Maybe even during the process of transformation. We'll see how messy it gets.

Below is the picture of the fireplace wall on the right side of my dining table from the picture above. The left side wall is the one that will be painted red. Eventually, a flat screen TV will take the place of the mirror above the fireplace, and I might redo the mantel.

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